Public roadmap
Upcoming features
Priority | Status | Task |
TOP | 💡 Idea | Make separate section for deployment webhook with better explanation and link to docs |
TOP | 💡 Idea | S3 postgres backup tutorial for IHP |
TOP | 💡 Idea | Shipnix Breeze, managed NixOS config for IHP |
HIGH | 🔨 Building | Shipnix blog |
HIGH | 💡 Idea | Make support ticket system |
MEDIUM | 📔 Planning | Add Vultr integration |
MEDIUM | 💡 Idea | Add AWS integration |
LOW | 💡 Idea | Enable hardware key authentication |
Shipped features
Status | Task |
✅ Shipped | Have created repo be visible as soon as it's created, not first when the server is done provisioning |
✅ Shipped | Add timestamps in UTC time |
✅ Shipped | Add links widget |
✅ Shipped | Merge DigitalOcean images into server providers page |
✅ Shipped | Dedicated Git page |
✅ Shipped | Business plan |