Shipnix is scheduled to sunset on Jan 28, 2025. Please read our official statement for more information.

Public roadmap

Upcoming features

💡 IdeaShipnix Breeze, managed NixOS config for IHP
💡 IdeaMake support ticket system
📔 PlanningAdd Vultr integration
💡 IdeaAdd AWS integration
💡 IdeaEnable hardware key authentication

Shipped features

✅ ShippedHave created repo be visible as soon as it's created, not first when the server is done provisioning
✅ ShippedAdd timestamps in UTC time
✅ ShippedAdd links widget
✅ ShippedMerge DigitalOcean images into server providers page
✅ ShippedDedicated Git page
✅ ShippedBusiness plan